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November 2007




November is a month for remembering.


The month starts with All Saint's Day (1st) when the Church remembers the communion and fellowship enjoyed by "all the saints",  both those still living and those gone to be the Lord in Heaven. By considering the lives of the saints in heaven - the Church triumphant, those who have committed themselves to Christ and still in this life - the Church militant, may find encouragement and exemplars for living. If we think of the saints depicted in stained glass windows, they are people through whom the light of God shines on us to illuminate our path through this world to the next.


November 2nd is celebrated as "All Souls Day", which is still a remembrance of departed saints, but now the emphasis is on those personally known to the one who is doing the remembering. In some countries, the Church uses All Saints' tide to help children learn about death and to learn something more about the lives of their grandparents or other relatives who have died in the faith, and to visit the graves of the departed.


November 11th is Remembrance Day, which this year coincides with Remembrance Sunday when all those who served in the armed forces and were killed in action are remembered. War is a horrible thing but sometimes it is a necessary thing in order to defeat the forces of evil who would seek to enslave those who are free. It is always the prayer of the Church that peaceful=ul  ways will be found to resolve disputes between nations and factions.


November 29th is celebrated as St Andrew's Day and is our Patronal Festival. Andrew was a fisherman who heard Jesus and responded to the call to follow him and to become a  "fisher of men". His first action was to bring his brother Simon to Christ. Each Christian has a duty to help bring all our brothers and sisters to Christ.



26 November 2007

Sorry I am so late with my message this month.


NOTE - Previous "Monthly Messages" are archived at