St Andrew, Glencairn

Glencairn Methodist Church

Home Page

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Staff and contact details

Sunday Services

Weekday activities

Prayer notes

The Church building

Some past events

Other links

The Anglican Communion

The Church of Ireland

The Methodist Church in Ireland

The Good Bookshop in Belfast

Registrar's Office, Belfast, for information about registering births, deaths and marriages

Collects and readings for Sundays

Daily Readings

BCP 2004 Services

Mothers' Union (all Ireland)

Mothers' Union (Connor Diocese)



Diocese of Connor

Church of Ireland Marriage Council

World wide Anglican Cycle of Prayer 

Connor Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Church of Ireland Internet Forum photographs

Our link parish in the Diocese of Gloucester - St Aidan and St Silas

A set of very useful community websites.

Some more very useful websites

(another link to the above page)