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A message from the Revd Colin Meneely


Some time ago I found myself travelling on a long journey. I must admit, when it comes to travelling I am not the world’s best at receiving and following directions. As it turned out – not surprisingly – having travelled along a particular road for a considerable period of time I was to discover that I was travelling along the wrong road. The road would not take me to where I wanted to go – or anywhere near it!  I had to stop where I was heading, follow new directions, and, sure enough, after a considerable period of time I found myself where I had wanted to be all along. 

The same might also be said of the spiritual journey we may be travelling along. Perhaps you are travelling along a particular road that you believe will take you safely to heaven, only to discover that the road you are travelling will not take you to where you want to go. Nicodemus, a man in the Bible, discovered this. His ‘religion’ would not take him to heaven. He needed to be born again. He needed to experience a new quality of life, a life possessed by the Holy Spirit of God brought about not by religious observances but by repentance – a deeply personal act of turning away from sin, and faith – a sure confidence that in the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross our sins are atoned for so that we might be forgiven. Nicodemus got on the right road to heaven. What about you?